Bangga Mengaku Orang Terengganu
** an article from UTUSAN MALAYSIA as at 24 March 2006..
The above article is taken from one of the national newspaper today.. Based on that newspaper cutting, it's clearly shows that people from Terengganu now can proudly declared themselves as local Terengganu ppl.. can’t they? This topic is somewhat exciting to talk about, which I am glad to elaborate shortly after this. Before I get the ball rolling, there is an interesting question I would like to ask.. Is that true?? Sejauh mana kebenaran nyer.. Kita bersama saya.. ulasan ala ala Karam Singh Walia mengupas kebenaran di sebalik pernyataan ini... Bak kata Pepatah... "Macam Ayam Masuk Kampung, Tercabut Bulu, Riuh Sekampung!!" Please stay tuned... Got to go for breakfast... Berdaroh Pusat Nih!! Lapor kluk klakk..(ayat fathi)!! Oh ya.. by the way.. Gaji masuk doh..!! Huhuuhu.. ciao...
BRRPP…. Kenyang..!! Uhh… Potong stim betul.. Tak larat nak buat keje dah… haha.. Sambung blogging aa.. Okeh.. back to our newspaper cutting mentioned above.. As for me.. as one of the guy from the state mentioned, the above facts are quite unacceptable.. I'm sure there is a

Today, 2006… Terengganu is significantly changed..! lots of development and upgrading at all places… here and there..and moving at a fast pace.. (not to mention, the chicks are also have been upgraded .. u can see hot chicks and babes here.. there and everywhere.. and the chicks chicks here.. chicks chicks there.. here chicks .. there chicks.. everywhere chicks .. chicks…!! O Terengganu had a chick.. E I.. E I.. Oooooo!!!)
Now, terengganu can stand on their own feet... side by side, standing with the other states.. without feeling humble and poor! Everyone now is looking at our improvement.. We r not that bad for everybody to overlook at us.. Closing their eyes to us is definitely incorrect and as terengganuans, I don’t mind what ppl think of my lovely state.. as long as it remains a peace place to live.. with the loving and harmony people over there.. where my family could enjoy their life and live happily ever after.. Someday, I’ll be back to settle everything down in TERENGGANU… perhaps.. amin..
Today, 2006… Terengganu is significantly changed..! lots of development and upgrading at all places… here and there..and moving at a fast pace.. (not to mention, the chicks are also have been upgraded .. u can see hot chicks and babes here.. there and everywhere.. and the chicks chicks here.. chicks chicks there.. here chicks .. there chicks.. everywhere chicks .. chicks…!! O Terengganu had a chick.. E I.. E I.. Oooooo!!!)
Now, terengganu can stand on their own feet... side by side, standing with the other states.. without feeling humble and poor! Everyone now is looking at our improvement.. We r not that bad for everybody to overlook at us.. Closing their eyes to us is definitely incorrect and as terengganuans, I don’t mind what ppl think of my lovely state.. as long as it remains a peace place to live.. with the loving and harmony people over there.. where my family could enjoy their life and live happily ever after.. Someday, I’ll be back to settle everything down in TERENGGANU… perhaps.. amin..
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