
Hi guys..
Last tuesday.. me.. sahak.. ery and "awang kenit" ery.. (sori mas! hehe)
we went to shUkran.. salah satu daripada beribu2 lemon mamak stall yg ada kat Malaysia nih.. but this one.. is quite special... the place where we used to hang out together.. all the Pantai Murni Clan... the chain GANG..!! Hustle, Loyalty and Respect" ppl.. lepak2 kat kedai ni lahh... kedai depan umah katakan.. which is very famous with markedUp nature..! bak kata org Phuket... Lok dai maii...!!! (entah apa apa.. cam btul jer.. lok dai mai tu sbnarnyer.. "takleh kurang!!") OK.. back to business..
the topic that i want to highlight here is "markup!!" atau pon dekat BANGLA road dipanggil "mengenakan harga bayaran yg lebihh tinggi dari yg sepatutnya"..we went to shUkran.. salah satu daripada beribu2 lemon mamak stall yg ada kat Malaysia nih.. but this one.. is quite special... the place where we used to hang out together.. all the Pantai Murni Clan... the chain GANG..!! Hustle, Loyalty and Respect" ppl.. lepak2 kat kedai ni lahh... kedai depan umah katakan.. which is very famous with markedUp nature..! bak kata org Phuket... Lok dai maii...!!! (entah apa apa.. cam btul jer.. lok dai mai tu sbnarnyer.. "takleh kurang!!") OK.. back to business..
Attached is the picture been taken of the receipt to prove the saying..!! walaupon harga dia tak laa mahal sgt... kalo korang pandai kire.. the total price written there is not the correct answer for the calculation... is it?? there are a few reasons why the KULAS got the wrong answer..
i. mmg nak markup
ii. masa kecik2 dulu.. failed math!
iii. Copy kawan punyer assignment calculus masa University dulu
iv. Dekat New Delhi takde subject "Add Math"
v. mmg bodoh.. tak reti mengira..
Hence, after this.. make sure u bring along ur calculator and do the sum up urself before paying!!
Slamat Mlm di mana jua anda berada..
Sedikit basic formula utk KULAS tu.. in case dia baca blog aku..!!
RM 1.10
RM 1.50
RM 0.40
RM 3.00 dan bukanlah RM3.50
Slamat berniaga..!!!
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