Ikan Tongkol Nasi Dagang 45 Hengget ??
Some might say… its “worth every bite” ...

As for me.. it is not.. I agree that the Trengganu Nasi Dagang is the best nasi dagang in Malaysia.. but not for the price of 45 ringgit ... Gilo apo ???? Bukan buat kenduri nie…
(sedikit ilmuah di hari ini)
Actually.. both Kelantan & Terengganu got their own style of nasi dagang... How to differentiate it?? From my experience.. instead of taste, u can look at color of the rice.. the Kelantan Nasi Dagang is a bit brownish.. while Terengganu one is pure white in colour.. So after this.. u can distinguish the type before you start to buy and come into contact to any of it..!! – a simple tips for those who is NASI DAGANG’s blind.. (buta nasi dagang.. haha) The kuah is superb.. the brilliant taste with chillies stuff with fish and coconut surely will “kill” you guys... If your stomach can stand the spicy of all the ingredients, u can have xtra kuah.. and chillies.. huhh.. meleleh air liur gua..
(gambar ikan tonggol a.k.a ikan aye... tp bukan kuah nasik dagang.. ini dimasak singganGGG...)

Adalah seorang hamba allah dr Terengganu tu kata… So.. I translate it for you guys.. harap2 paham laa..
(the subtitles maybe incorrect.. but the story line is still there.. Sajer jer aku tertarik dgn penulisan dia nie... nampak sgt org parti pembangkang.. huhu)
Si Hasbullah orang Putrajaya celop tu nok beli pala ikang aya sahaja untuk bining dia hok ngidang. Tapi memang pada prinsipnya Mok Ngoh dok akan jual pala ikang saja, sebab dia buat krapoh campur ngan nasi dagang (bagi yang suka ratoh krapoh memang tahu nikmatnya). Jadi dia pung kabor lah "dok jual!"
Hasbullah.. a local guy that is currently working at Putrajaya… went to buy the KUAH of nasi dagang.. he asked the kuah to be put together with the KEPALA IKAN TONGKOL.. He wanted to buy for his wife, which was craving to eat it on that day.. But MAK NGAH didn’t want to put up the KUAH itself for sale.. it must be coming up together with the NASIK..!!
Tapi mat sekor ning degil jugok, campur eksyen sikit... maklumlah bining ngidang, tamboh pulok dia doh jadi keparat kat Putrajaya. Jadi dia pun dengan gong nye berkata..."Dok kira ah... nok jugok guane2 pung, harga berapa pung aku bayor". Jawabnya anok Mok Ngoh, kalu nok jugok RM45 semer skali. (Harga RM45 tu bukang utk paler ikang tu saja, termasuk jugok hok dia doh makang kedaroh kat kedai tu sekali.)
But.. the guy insisted to buy it.. and would pay for any price for it..
Then.. MokNgoh’ s son, (taktau nama apa) asked for RM 45 for the kuah (altogether with the bills of what they had eaten at the kedai before…)
Jadi kerana tak mboh napok komang dia bayor jugoklah... Padahal kalu rasa tertipu, kabor aja dok jadi ah beli pala ikang tu. Benda bungkus, bukan hok makang doh... Bui balik ah ke Mok Ngoh, habih cerita.
Oleh kerana EGO seorang lelaki.. dan taknak nampak sgt.. dia tu cap ayam… Dia bayar gak la.. (In fact, he could refused it if he think the price is unacceptable..)
Ke guane? Tapi kerana nok cari publisiti (dan nok kabor ke orang seluruh Malaysia yang dia keparat Putrajaya) dia buat heboh kat surat kabor pulok. Siang ke orang tua tu.
Hows that sounds? Is that the correct way to get the publicity.. to be cover of magazines.. main page of the newspapers….
Yang Kementerian tu pulok macam tak dok kerja lain. Kalu ikut nok saman peniaga hok dok bubuh harga makanan, di KL, Penang, Kuantan, Johor malah merata-rata belambok... Bak kata Kalimullah Hassan, hasil kutipan saman kerajaan buleh buat jambatan dari Kuantan ke Kuching. Unfortunately for Mokngah.. She has to pay for a penalty for not declaring the exact price of each menu (at that small restaurant.. what do you expect guys..???).. As mentioned by Kalimullah Hassan, the moneys collected from the government’s fine, accumulatively can even build a bridge frm Kuantan to Kuching..!!
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