" F I R E w a l l .. you are fired..!!! "

A s s a l a m u a l a ik um W. B. T
Hi semua.. halo.. i am back in action....
Dono wat happened to the network over here.. Unexpectedly.. I can continue maintaining my Massage Bored.. Surf to frendster.. Myspace.. Some blogs.. And a few other sites that they restricted us to access since Mac this year..
Since dat day.. I couldnt write anything in here.. I couldn’t find any new frenss from frenster and myspace.. (perlu ker nih???) .. even some Blogs pun.. diorang block.. apa punye orang laa.. semua benda nak block.. aku block kang baru tau..
Today… 23 Nov 2006..
So many things happened to me since my last post.. 6 months.. maybe not quite a long time for certain ppl.. but for me …
(jgn biarkan idup anda diselubungi misteri..)
Aku lapo.. nanti sambung.. aku citer laa satu satu nanti... pusat
dah bdarah..
lets go and have some meals for breakfast..