Teman Tapi Mesra

Aku punya teman
teman sepermainan
kemana ada dia selalu ada aku
dia amat manis
juga baik hati
dia selalu adawaktu untuk membantuku
namun aku bingung
ketika dia bilang cinta
dan dia juga katakan
tuk ingin jadi kekasihku
cukuplah saja berteman denganku
janganlah kau meminta lebih
ku tak mungkin mencintaimu
kita berteman saja
teman tapi mesra
aku memang suka pada dirimu
namun aku ada yg punya
lebih baik kita berteman
kita berteman saja
teman tapi mesra
aku punya teman
teman sepermainan
kemana ada dia selalu ada aku
namun aku bingung
ketika dia bilang cinta
dan dia juga katakan
tuk ingin jadi kekasihku
Saing tapi Mesro versi Kelantan.
kawe punyo saing
saing sepermaine
ke mano ado dio sokmo ado kawe
dio amak come
jugo baik hati
dio selalu ado waktu untuk bantu kawe
namun kawe bengong
ketiko dio ghoyak cinto
de dio jugok kecek tuk ingin jadi gewe kawe
Reff :
boleh sajo saing nge kawe
jange mung mitok lebih
kawe tok ser cintai demo
kito bersaing sajo
saing tapi mesro
kawe meme berkene ko demo
namun kawe ado gewe doh
lebih baik kito bersaing
kito bersaing sajo
saing tapi mesro..

I am not gonna discuss on Maia and Mulan.. Yeah.. both of them are really attractive and gorgeous .. but what is appealing me most to write today is on the title of their song.. “TEMAN TAPI MESRA” First of all.. what does it means? Like chalk and cheese, people have their own perception to define the meanings differently. Based on the KAMUS DEWAN.. haha.. siap rujuk kamus dewan.. (tak ahh tipu jer..) As of my point of view laa..
TEMAN = can be considered as friends, pal, buddy..
TAPI = but (takde makna lain dah.. kalo BUTT dah lain maknanya... haha)
MESRA = close.. intimate.. loving each other (not to say couple laa)..
So.. the general picture above.. Had given us sort like clues to conclude that.. “TEMAN TAPI MESRA” is more to a close friendship between people who is not emotionally committed to each other. In other words, as long as the friendship can brings happiness to the “friend”ship.. as well as.. both parties can get pleasure from it.. without emotionally committed and they carry themselves responsibly.. THAT can be considered as “TEMAN TAPI MESRA” .. ah.. ah .. ah..
It sounds good for people who extremely dislike of commitment… and whomever that says “No!” to caring any heart as like what couples always do.. On the other hand, it is sort like incorrect type of relationship for those who are looking for an ideal, great, perfect, correct Mr or Mrs Right… They surely won’t agree of the “TEMAN TAPI MESRA” concept. I think so.. Sejauh mana korang setuju atau tidak setuju.. aku tak tau lah.. Yang mana betul yg mana salah.. aku pon talak tau…
Hujah aku.. mmg sifat semulajadi wanita.. suke dibelai.. dipuji.. dihargai dan makan free.. (haha.. sapa sapa ada yg panas.. harap maaf.. ini mengikut kajian yg dibuat oleh pakar..) what is related to our topic today?? Without emotionally committed to each other, those friends could hang out together.. go lepak.. isap rokok sama2.. bercengkerama di bawah lampu minyak tanah.. layan cinema.. tgk Hindustan.. tukar2 baju sambil nyanyi guling2 kat bukit… dan dot dot dot..) as long as both parties got what they want, semua bleh jalan… that’s why this thing could happen..
Oleh itu.. Mari semua.. kita sambut maal hijrah.. (huhu.. nyanyi plok..)
Jadi.. kita dah tau concept “TEMAN TAPI MESRA” tu camana.. So.. To all the GIRLS out there… pandai2 laa jaga diri… cukup2 laa tipu boypren mu..!! to all lelaki2 kacak (tidak termasuk fathi).. kalo nak teman tp mesra tu.. pepandai laa cover.. jgn sampai kantoi.. (hujah penutup yg agak bunyik berat sebelah.. masalah perkauman tak timbul.. yg timbul masalah perjantinaan.. huhahaua..
DAH.. nak sambung keje..!! ciao.!!
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